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Can bulletproof vest really be bulletproof?

by:XinXing     2020-05-06
Body armor refers to a type of protective clothing that can absorb the kinetic energy generated by bullets or fragments of explosives to prevent injuries to the injured parts of the human body. Can bulletproof vest really be bulletproof? I believe this is a unified question for many people who buy body armor. The following is explained to you by XINXING police equipment: The bulletproof function of the body armor is undoubtedly, but not all the power can be prevented, which is the same as the armor worn by people on the ancient battlefield. The body armor function mainly has the following two aspects: First, the fragments formed by the fragmentation of the projectile are ejected: the high-speed fragments generated by various explosives such as bombs, mines, artillery shells and grenades are one of the main threats on the battlefield . According to investigations, the threats faced by soldiers on a battlefield are in the order of shrapnel, bullets, explosion shock wave and heat. Therefore, the function of bulletproof sheet should be emphasized. 2. The kinetic energy of the warhead is dissipated through bulletproof materials: the bullet will produce a great impact force after hitting the target, and the impact of this impact force on the human body is often fatal. This kind of injury does not show penetration, but it can cause internal injuries, which can be life-threatening in severe cases. It is an important function of body armor to eliminate the kinetic energy of the warhead and reduce the kinetic energy when the bullet hits the body. Can bulletproof vest really be bulletproof? I believe that after the above explanation, everyone has a general understanding of the true function of body armor. There are many materials for body armor on the market. If you want to make the ballistic function more powerful, it is best to choose a better body armor material Will suffer the least damage when hit by bullets!
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