Does Xinxing provide EXW for bulletproof gear?
Please note these differences between pricing and contact China Xinxing Guangzhou Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd to ensure which type of pricing is required. If the price of bulletproof gear is at EXW level, we are only responsible for packaging the items and providing them at designated locations such as warehouses. If the shipment is by air, EXW pricing may be much better than other pricing.

As a well-known best rifle bag production-oriented enterprise, Xinxing. is appraised as a leading company in the domestic markets. The official suit series has become a hot product of Xinxing. XinXing bulletproof gear is designed with consideration of all possible mechanisms. These mechanisms are aimed at helping the desired motion or the group of motions in this product. It is suitable for police forces, security guards, bodyguards, combat soldiers, hostage rescue teams, etc. The product has been quality tested before delivery to ensure that it is flawless and free from any defect. Its practicality, functionality, and comfort positively affect soldier performance.

Xinxing. has been encouraged to provide better service for customers. Get price!

As a well-known best rifle bag production-oriented enterprise, Xinxing. is appraised as a leading company in the domestic markets. The official suit series has become a hot product of Xinxing. XinXing bulletproof gear is designed with consideration of all possible mechanisms. These mechanisms are aimed at helping the desired motion or the group of motions in this product. It is suitable for police forces, security guards, bodyguards, combat soldiers, hostage rescue teams, etc. The product has been quality tested before delivery to ensure that it is flawless and free from any defect. Its practicality, functionality, and comfort positively affect soldier performance.

Xinxing. has been encouraged to provide better service for customers. Get price!