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Learn about the ranks of the People's Republic

by:XinXing     2020-08-31
The army’s current military rank system stipulates the highest military rank and military rank regulations of the army. The vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, members of the military commission, chief of staff, and director of the General Political Department shall all grant the rank of general. Army general is also the main rank of officers in the Zhengda Military Region. The positions of the Zhengda Military Region include deputy chief of staff, deputy director of the General Political Department, minister of the General Logistics Department, political commissar, commander of the military region, and political commissar.
(1: Note: yellow ones are epaulettes, green ones are soft ones)

The lieutenant general is the main rank of the deputy military district officer. The positions of the deputy military region include deputy minister of the general logistics department, deputy political commissar, deputy commander of the military region, deputy political commissar, chief of staff, director of the political department, and other deputy military region officers. In addition, the army lieutenant general is also the auxiliary rank of the Zhengda military region and the military officer.

The major ranks of the Army Major General are the main ranks of the Army's chief and deputy officers. Chief military positions include group army commander, political commissar, provincial military region and military-level garrison commanders, political commissars and other military officers; deputy military positions include group army deputy commander, deputy political commissar, chief of staff, director of the political department, and provincial military command Deputy commander, deputy political commissar, chief of staff, director of the political department and other deputy military officers. In addition, the major general of the army is also an auxiliary rank for officers in the deputy military district and divisional positions.

PLA Army Rank-Colonel
The army colonel is the main rank of the army's divisional officer. In addition, it is the auxiliary rank of the Army's deputy military officer and deputy division (brigade) officer.

The army colonel is the main rank of the army's deputy division (direct brigade) officer and regiment (deputy brigade) officer

Lieutenant colonel is the main rank of the deputy regiment officer of the Army. In addition, it is also an auxiliary rank for the army's regiment (deputy brigade) officer and camp officer.

Army Major is the main rank of the Army's battalion officer. In addition, it is an auxiliary rank of the Army's deputy regimental officer and deputy battalion officer.

PLA Army Rank-Lieutenant Officer
Captain of the Army is the main rank of officers in the Army's deputy battalion corps. In addition, it is an auxiliary rank of the Army's deputy company officer.

Lieutenant is the main rank of deputy company officer of the Army. In addition, it is an auxiliary rank of the Army's company officers and platoon officers.

Army Second Lieutenant is the main rank of Army platoon officers. A second lieutenant is the lowest rank of an army officer. The Regulations on the Ranks of Officers of the Chinese People's Liberation Army stipulate that cadets who graduated from military secondary schools and colleges are generally awarded the rank of second lieutenant after being assigned to the army.

PLA Army Rank-Civilian Cadre
Army civilian cadre technical three-level insignia

Army civilian cadre badges, soft badges

PLA Army Rank-Cadet
Army student badges, soft badges

PLA Army Rank: Soldier

PLA Navy Rank-General
The admiral of the Navy will be the main rank of officers in the Zhengda Military Region of the Navy, and is also the highest rank of the navy in the current military rank system of our army. Generally, it is only awarded to naval commanders and naval political commissars. The main logo is: the two golden epaulettes are inlaid with black trim representing the navy, and the base of the epaulettes is embroidered with golden branches and three golden stars.

The Rear Admiral is the main rank of the navy officer and deputy officer. In addition, the Rear Admiral is also an auxiliary rank of the Navy's Deputy Command and Division Officer. That is, the junior navy's deputy military district officer and the senior Naval Division officer can also be awarded the rank of Rear Admiral.

The navy lieutenant will be the main rank of the navy deputy military district officer. In addition, it is also the auxiliary rank of navy Zhengda military district officer and military officer, that is, the junior navy Zhengda military district officer and the senior navy military officer can also be awarded the rank of lieutenant admiral.

PLA Navy Rank-Colonel
Naval colonel is the main rank of naval officers. In addition, it is also an auxiliary rank of navy deputy officer and navy deputy division (brigade) officer.

The navy colonel is the main rank of the navy's deputy division (director brigade) officer and regiment (deputy brigade) officer.

Lieutenant colonel is the main rank of the Navy's deputy regiment officer. In addition, it is also an auxiliary rank of navy regiment (deputy brigade) officer and navy battalion officer.

Lieutenant Commander is the main rank of the navy battalion officer. In addition, it is the auxiliary rank of the Navy Deputy Regiment Officer and the Navy Deputy Battalion Officer.

PLA Navy Rank-Lieutenant Officer
Navy captain is the main rank of navy deputy battalion officer and navy company officer. In addition, it is also an auxiliary rank of deputy navy company officer, that is, senior naval deputy company officer can also be awarded the rank of navy captain.

Lieutenant of the Navy is the main rank of the Navy's deputy company officer. In addition, it is also the auxiliary rank of naval company officers and platoon officers, that is, junior company officers and senior platoon officers can also be awarded the rank of lieutenant.

Naval lieutenant is the main rank of naval platoon officers and is also the lowest rank among naval officers. The Regulations on the Ranks of Officers of the Chinese People's Liberation Army stipulate that cadets who graduated from naval secondary schools and colleges are generally awarded the rank of second lieutenant after being assigned to the army.

PLA Navy Rank-Civilian Cadre
Navy civilian cadre technical three-level insignia

Navy civilian cadre badges, soft badges

PLA Navy Rank-Cadet

PLA Navy Rank: Soldier

PLA Air Force Rank-General
The Air Force will be the main rank of officers in the Air Force Zhengda Military Region and is also the highest rank of the Air Force in the current military rank system of our army. The rank of general of the air force is generally granted only to air force commander and air force political commissar.

Lieutenant of the Air Force will be the main rank of the deputy military district officer of the Air Force. In addition, it is also the auxiliary rank of the Air Force Zhengda Military Region and the Chief Military Officer, that is, the junior Air Force Zhengda Military Region officer and the senior Air Force Chief Military Officer, and can also be awarded the Air Force Lieutenant General rank.

The Air Force Major will hold the main military ranks of the Air Force's chief and deputy officers. In addition, it is also the auxiliary rank of the Air Force deputy military command and division officer, that is, the junior air force deputy military district officer and the senior air force division officer can also be awarded the air force major general rank.

PLA Air Force Rank-Colonel
Air Force Colonel is the main rank of the Air Force's divisional officer. In addition, it is an auxiliary rank for the deputy military and deputy division officers of the Air Force. That is, the junior air force deputy officer and senior air force deputy division officer can also be awarded the rank of air force colonel.

Air Force Colonel is the main rank of the Air Force Deputy Division (Brigade) and Regiment (Deputy Brigade) officers

Air Force Lieutenant Colonel is the main rank of the Air Force deputy regiment officer. In addition, it is an auxiliary rank of the Air Force regiment (deputy brigade) officer and the Air Force battalion officer.

Air Force Major is the main rank of the Air Force's main battalion officer. In addition, it is an auxiliary rank for the deputy regimental officer of the Air Force and the deputy battalion officer of the Air Force.

PLA Air Force Rank-Lieutenant Officer
Air Force Captain is the main rank of the Air Force deputy battalion officer and company officer. In addition, it is also an auxiliary rank of deputy company officer of the Air Force, that is, senior deputy company officer of the Air Force can also be awarded the rank of Air Force Captain.

Air Force Lieutenant is the main rank of the deputy company officer of the Air Force. In addition, it is also the auxiliary rank of the Air Force company officer and platoon officer, that is, the junior Air Force company officer and senior Air Force platoon officer can also be awarded the rank of Air Force lieutenant.

Air Force Second Lieutenant is the main rank of Air Force platoon officers and is also the lowest rank among officers. The Regulations on the Ranks of Officers of the Chinese People's Liberation Army stipulate that cadets who graduated from secondary specialized schools and colleges of the Air Force are generally awarded the rank of second lieutenant after being assigned to the army.

PLA Air Force Rank-Civilian Cadre
Air Force Civilian Cadre Technical Level 3 Insignia

Air Force Civilian Cadre Insignia

PLA Air Force Rank-Cadet

PLA Air Force Rank: Soldier

Armed Police Rank-General
The Armed Police Admiral will be the main rank of police officers in the Zhengda Military Region. The Armed Police General is the highest rank of the Armed Police, and is generally awarded to the Commander and Political Commissar of the Armed Police Force.

Lieutenant General of the Armed Police is the main rank of the deputy military district police officer. The Lieutenant General of the Armed Police is also an auxiliary rank of the police officer of the armed police Zhengda military region and the officer of the military officer

The Major of the Armed Police Force will be the main police rank of the chief officer and deputy officer. The Major General of the Armed Police Force is also an auxiliary police rank for the deputy military district police officer and the divisional police officer of the armed police.

Armed Police Rank-School Officer
The Armed Police Colonel is the main rank of a regular officer. The Armed Police Colonel is also the auxiliary rank of the Armed Police Deputy Military Officer and Deputy Divisional Officer

The Armed Police Colonel is the main rank of the Armed Police Deputy Divisional Officer and the Regimental Officer.

The Armed Police Lieutenant Colonel is the main rank of the Armed Police Deputy Regimental Officer. In addition, it is also an auxiliary rank for armed police officers in regiments and camp officers.

Major of the Armed Police Force is the main rank of the armed police officers. In addition, it is also an auxiliary police rank for deputy regimental police officer and deputy battalion police officer of the Armed Police

Armed Police Rank-Lieutenant Officer
Armed Police Captain's Epaulettes

Armed Police Lieutenant Epaulettes

Armed Police Ensign Epaulettes

Tips: Armed Police Officer Soft Epaulettes
  The armed police officer's soft epaulettes are worn when wearing standard long and short-sleeved shirts or training uniforms. The rank logo is the same as the hard epaulettes, except that the base plate is made of soft materials, the star emblem is made of golden yellow and the horizontal bars are woven with red rayon. The armed police officer's soft epaulettes are easy to wear, light and beautiful, clearly marked, conducive to concealment, and unobstructed activities. In addition, since there are no metal parts on the soft epaulettes, it is convenient to carry materials on the back and is very suitable for officers to wear during training and combat.
Armed Police Rank-Civilian Cadre

Armed Police Civilian Cadre Technical Level 3 Insignia

Armed police civilian cadre badge
Cadres engaged in teaching, scientific research, engineering technology, medical and health, journalism, publishing, culture, art, and sports in the Armed Police Force are generally civilians. The maximum service age of civilian cadres can reach 60 years old, and their positions range from clerks (platoon level) to chief bureau level (director post), but no distinction is made on the epaulettes. There are two types of civilian cadre epaulettes: hard and soft. Soft epaulettes are worn when wearing standard shirts or training uniforms.

Armed Police Rank-Cadet
Armed police student badges are worn by students studying at the police academy. There are two types of epaulettes: hard and soft. Soft epaulettes are worn when wearing standard shirts or training uniforms.
All cadets who come to the military after graduation from the armed police colleges and universities are required to have a one-year internship period. During the internship period, police ranks are not awarded and they still wear police academy badge

Armed Police Rank-Soldier

Armed Police Rank-Armed Police Soldier Etiquette Epaulettes
Etiquette insignia is a special epaulette worn by armed police soldiers who are responsible for major ceremonial tasks such as guarding the Tiananmen flag and guarding foreign guest convoys. Armed police soldier etiquette insignias are divided into five ranks: private, superior, corporal, sergeant, and sergeant.

Police rank of the People's Police-Chief Superintendent, Deputy Chief Superintendent (Administrative)
Chief Superintendent (pictured above): Minister-level chief. The chief inspector's rank logo is studded with a national emblem surrounded by an olive branch.
Deputy Chief Superintendent (pictured below): Deputy at the ministerial level. The deputy chief inspector and police rank logo is studded with a national emblem surrounded by an olive branch for half a week

People's Police Rank-Supervisor (Administrative)
Police Inspector I (above): The police officer's rank logo consists of a silver olive branch and silver four-pointed star flower. The first class police inspector rank logo is studded with three four-pointed stars.
Police Supervisor II (middle picture): Police Supervisor II police rank logo studded with two four-pointed stars.
Police Supervisor III (pictured below): Police Supervisor III police rank logo studded with a four-pointed star flower

People's Police Rank-Supervisor (Administrative)
The superintendent police rank sign consists of two silver horizontal bars and silver four-pointed star flowers.
Superintendent I (above): Three four-pointed star flowers decorated with nails.
Police Supervisor II (middle picture): Two four-pointed star flowers decorated with nails.
Police Supervisor III (pictured below): A four-pointed star flower decorated with nails

People's Police Rank-Superintendent (Administrative)
The superintendent police rank logo consists of a silver horizontal bar and silver four-pointed star flowers.
Superintendent I (above): Three four-pointed stars decorated with nails.
Superintendent II (middle picture): Two four-pointed star flowers decorated with nails.
Superintendent III (pictured below): A four-pointed star flower decorated with nails.

People's Police Rank-Police Officer (Administrative)
Police Officer I (above): Two four-pointed star flowers decorated with nails.
Police Officer II (pictured below): A four-pointed star flower is decorated with nails.

People's Police Rank-Supervisor (Technical)
Police Inspector I (above)
Police Supervisor II (middle image)
Police Supervisor III (picture below)
The police officer's rank logo consists of a silver olive branch and silver four-pointed star flower. The epaulettes of the people's police in professional and technical positions are blue-gray

Civilian Police Rank-Supervisor (Technical)
Superintendent I (above)
Superintendent II (center)
Supervisor 3 (picture below)

People's Police Rank-Superintendent (Technical)
Superintendent I (above)
Superintendent II (center)
Superintendent three (pictured below)

Civilian Police Rank-Police Officer (Technical)
Police Officer I (above)
Police Officer II (pictured below)

Customs Title-Customs Director, Deputy Director
The Customs Director and Deputy Customs Director’s badges are composed of a customs badge surrounded by olive leaves and a five-pointed star lined with a five-sided star flower.

Customs Title-Customs Supervision
The mark of customs supervision is an olive leaf and a customs badge, the mark of the first level customs supervision is three stars; the mark of the second level customs supervision is two stars; the third level of customs The supervising customs rank symbol is a star flower.

Customs Title-Customs Inspector
Customs Inspector’s mark is three horizontal bars and a customs badge. The first-level Customs Inspector’s mark is three stars; the second-level Customs Inspector’s mark is two stars; The Customs Inspector's customs rank is marked as a star flower.

Customs Title-Customs Supervision
The mark of the customs title of the customs supervision office is two horizontal bars and a customs emblem, the mark of the first level customs supervision office is three stars; the mark of the second level customs supervision is two stars; the third level customs The supervising customs rank is marked as a star flower.

Customs Title-Customs Officer
The mark of the customs officer's rank is a horizontal bar and a customs badge, the mark of the first-level customs officer's rank is three stars; the mark of the second-level customs officer's customs rank is two stars.

In October 1988, while the new military rank system was implemented, the army, navy, and air force cap badges were reformed. The small cap badges implemented in 1985 were used as training caps and female soldiers cap badges; the large cap badges were lined with gold. The pine branches and leaves and Tiananmen Square pattern are suitable for wearing on large brimmed hats, sailor hats, and fleece (leather) hats.
The main body of the new tri-service big-brimmed hat badge is 'August 1st' with five red stars, and eight golden yellow pine branches and leaves surround the wheat ears, gears and Tiananmen Square.
The new cap badge is solemn, solemn and beautiful. The red five stars, wheat ears, gears and Tiananmen Square symbolize that the Chinese People's Liberation Army is the armed force of the People's Republic of China, united with the people of all ethnic groups, with one heart and one mind, and shoulders the glorious mission of defending and building the motherland. Evergreen pine trees have the character of being proud of wind and snow and resisting severe cold, reflecting the Chinese people The awe-inspiring integrity of the family and the unyielding demeanor of contemporary soldiers.
The Chinese People's Armed Police Force also wears a cap badge, which is composed of the national emblem, shield, Great Wall and pine branches.

In October 1988, the Chinese People's Liberation Army implemented a new military rank system. All officers and soldiers of the army changed to wear service (professional and technical) symbols or collars, military uniforms and standard shirts were decorated with service or professional technical symbols, and officers' dresses were decorated with collars.
In May 1992, civilian cadres uniformly distributed uniforms and wore civilian cadres with flowers.
Since February 1989, the Chinese People's Armed Police Force has also changed the collar flower, the style is round, composed of shields and pine branches and leaves, made of metal materials.
Most of the military uniforms of the armed forces of various countries wear collar badges as a sign to identify the rank of soldiers and the nature of the troops they belong to.
Soldier collar

Armed Police Collar
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