Some differences between US military M65 pants
1 M65 trousers all use snap buttons, and BDU trousers use ordinary buttons.
2 65 trousers have a zipper on the front of the trousers, and BDU pants have a button on the front of the trousers.
3 M65 pants have a flap on the front pocket, but BDU pants do not.
4 The cover of the M65 trousers is curved, and the cover of the BDU trousers is square.
5 The front side of the M65 trouser leg pocket flap is completely stitched on the leg pocket body, and only the lower corner of the front side of the BDU trouser leg pocket flap is stitched on the leg pocket body. 6 M65 pants trouser legs tie similar to shoe laces, BDU pants trouser legs tie is ordinary nylon belt.
7 M65 pants have two webbing in the leg pockets, but BDU pants do not.
8 M65 pants have a circle of buttons for lining on the inside, but BDU pants do not
2 65 trousers have a zipper on the front of the trousers, and BDU pants have a button on the front of the trousers.
3 M65 pants have a flap on the front pocket, but BDU pants do not.
4 The cover of the M65 trousers is curved, and the cover of the BDU trousers is square.
5 The front side of the M65 trouser leg pocket flap is completely stitched on the leg pocket body, and only the lower corner of the front side of the BDU trouser leg pocket flap is stitched on the leg pocket body. 6 M65 pants trouser legs tie similar to shoe laces, BDU pants trouser legs tie is ordinary nylon belt.
7 M65 pants have two webbing in the leg pockets, but BDU pants do not.
8 M65 pants have a circle of buttons for lining on the inside, but BDU pants do not