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The Historical Origin and Use of 'Sophisticated

by:XinXing     2020-06-17
Whenever we mention the image of the instructors of the US Marine Corps boot camp, our first reaction comes to their chic instructor hats Speaking of the shape of the US Marine Corps instructors, we often think of them wearing the iconic 'instructor hat' for the first time. This may be the image of the instructor of Sergeant Lee Ermey in the movie 'All Metal Shell'. , Left a very deep impression on us. The original English name of this wide-brimmed felt hat should be called Campaign Cover. Although it is said that in the U.S. armed forces except for the U.S. Navy, the instructors of recruit training camps of all services use the same type, but in this, it is the U.S. Navy The instructors of the recruit training camp of the clan were first customized as 'instructor standard caps'. And in the US Marine Corps, in addition to the boot camp instructors, the shooting team responsible for firearms education in the service and participating in competitive competitions also use this wide-brimmed felt hat. However, this type of hat is basically from the roots. In the US military, it was the earliest hat type that the US Army first used when stationing troops in the western United States in the first half of the 19th century. At the beginning, there was no crease in the top of the hat. Everyday wearing and wearing, it was crushed out of the cusp angle, and the geographical scene of the northwestern United States seemed to be like the peak of Montana, so it was named the 'Montana Peak Cap' in the army. . In 1914, the United States Marine Corps took a group photo while stationed in Mexico. Among the group photos were the famous General Lejeune and General Butler. In the photo, they used a wide-brimmed felt hat of the 1898 model, the 1902 model, and even the 1912 model. Later, this wide-brimmed felt hat with American characteristics became popular in the US military and gradually became part of the standard clothing. The US Marine Corps naturally experienced all kinds of future with the army using this felt hat in the overall environment. The battles of the United States and the United States Army have spawned several similar models. This American characteristic continued until the time when the US military expedition to Europe during the First World War, so an interesting scene happened. Before the US military reached the French front, the British and French troops had been baptized by the war for several years, wearing their respective helmets To greet this group of Yankees who are only ready to go to the battlefield with a wide-brimmed felt hat. In this way, the US military seems to not only look like a group of country gangsters, but also does not seem to know how to fight. During World War I, France, before reaching the frontline, US Marines were discussing the shooting level with their French allies Therefore, after the First World War, the US Marine Corps began to gradually phase out this old wide-brimmed felt hat. The reason why it was not eliminated at one time is that, compared to steel helmets, this wide-brimmed felt hat Old, but how to say it is light. Especially for marines who are still stationed in the Asian region (such as the Philippines) or the Caribbean region (such as Nicaragua, Haiti, Dominica, etc.) after the end of the First World War, the lightweight and heat-resistant wide-brimmed felt hat is more suitable for the local For environmental activities, the historical status of such hats at the time was somewhat similar to the status of round-brimmed hats (commonly known as 'Penny Hats') among US Marines. But later, what really hit the daily use status of wide-brimmed felt hats was the boat cap that was lighter and easier to store than wide-brimmed felt hats. Therefore, before the start of World War II, the US Marine Corps banned wide-brimmed felt hats. It is worth mentioning that Sergeant Major Henny in the HBO American drama 'Pacific' has worn this old-fashioned 'field hat' on several bridges in the play, so as to profoundly describe the image on the screen. Highlight the image of Sergeant Major Henny who was a veteran who fought with the Marines before the Pacific War. By April 1956, the famous Ribbon Creek training tragedy occurred in the US Marine Corps recruit training camp in Paris. Six Marine recruits were martyred. The US Marine Corps recruit training system and instructor image suddenly encountered a crisis. Admiral Wallace M. Greene, then commander of the U.S. Marine Corps Recruiting Command, hoped to find a way to serious the daily norms of the U.S. Marine Corps recruit training system and restore the revival of the U.S. Marine Corps recruit training The prestige of battalion instructors deepens the distinction between instructors and recruits in boot camps. (Left) U.S. Marine Corps Admiral Wallace M. Greene, served as Commander of the U.S. Marine Corps Recruiting Training Command during 1956; (Right) U.S. Marine Corps Admiral Randolph M. Pate, 21st U.S. Marine Corps Commander-in-chief Therefore, Admiral Wallace M. Greene of the US Marine Corps in the same year, with the funding of the US Marine Corps Recruiting Training Command, found more than 600 special wide-brimmed felt hats from the private cap factory and distributed them to them as soon as possible. The instructors serve as instructor-specific hats. The decision of Admiral Wallace M. Greene immediately aroused the support of General Randolph M. Pate, then Commander-in-Chief (21st) of the US Marine Corps. The latter also signed a document to approve the proposal. With the United States Marine Corps standardized instructor hat we have seen so far. The reason why Admiral Greene chose to use wide-brimmed felt hats is that this type of wide-brimmed felt hats is reminiscent of the sophisticated and dignified and majestic of the older generation of US Marines. The recruits made a clear distinction in consciousness. In 1956 (left) and 1957 (right), the United States Marine Corps recruit training camp graduation photo case, it is not difficult to find that the Marine Corps instructors began to replace the standardized new instructor hat Secondly, this wide rounded brim design can help the instructors who are standing in the sun all day long, effectively shielding the wind from the sun, light in shape and suitable for all seasons. So since 1956, after the US Marines began to distribute wide-brimmed felt hats as instructor hats to the instructors of the boot camp, this group of people who made the recruits feel chilled has added a slang Smokey in the US Marines. Bear, or Smokey directly. 'Smokey Bear' of the National Forest Service reminds everyone to 'Be careful of wildfires and love the forest' This slang stems from the cartoon character Smokey designed by the United States National Forest Service (USFS) in 1944 to remind citizens to 'prevent and control forest fires and protect the forest.' The Chinese character is also translated as 'Smokey Bear', and this cartoon image is worn This wide-brimmed felt hat. The US Army began to emulate the use of standardized Army instructor hats by the US Marine Corps in late 1964. Soon after, the US Air Force followed its pace in 1974. The standardized instructor hats of the US Army and the Air Force completely follow the style of the US Marine Corps in style, only in different colors. In the case of the graduation photo of the U.S. Army recruit training camp in 1965, the instructors of the U.S. Army began to use the Army’s standardized new instructor hats this year. Also worth mentioning is the female instructors in the US Marine Corps. The US Marine Corps was not formally formed until 1986. It is a boot camp dedicated to the training of female soldiers, which is the 4th Marine Corps Boot Camp ( 4th RTBn). However, from 1986 until 1996, the standard dress of female instructors of the US Marine Corps was completely different from that of male instructors. During the daily training, only red shoulder lines or regular clothes were worn with special red shoulder sleeves to identify instructor positions. From 1986 to 1996, the female instructors of the US Marine Corps used a standard red outfit different from the male instructors. They only used red shoulder lines or often used red shoulder covers for identification. This also caused dissatisfaction with the then US Marine Corps Commander-in-Chief (31st) Admiral Charles C. Krulak, and ordered that from October 1996, the US Marine Corps regardless of male or female instructors, all Use the same wide-brimmed felt hat. This practice will also make the hats of female instructors of the US Marine Corps different from other services of the US Armed Forces in the future. Female instructors on active duty in the US Army, and female instructors in the Air Force also use the Australian jungle hat with foldable corners; (right) The female instructors in the US Marine Corps still use wide-brimmed felt hats as standard instructor hats As early as in the 1970s, female instructors of the US Army and Air Force began to use Australian bush hats that were different from wide-brimmed felt hats and could be turned and folded, and they are still in use today.
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